A Great Year of Exposure for Egyptian Furniture
A Great Year of Exposure for Egyptian Furniture
The Egyptian Furniture industry made great strides during 2010 through its representations in local and international exhibitions......
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Success….Egyptian furniture exports
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"Edu Fun“ ist der einzige ägyptische Aussteller
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A Great Year of Exposure for Egyptian Furniture
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Meet the Chief- ASK Magazine sits with one of the main organizers of “The Furniture Show” Mr. Ihab Derias
What’s the goal of The Furniture Show and how is it unique to the previous fairs that the EFEC organized?
It’s more of a tradeshow than a design show which seeks to showcase Egyptian furniture to local buyers and potential international buyers as well. The idea behind the Design Hub, a small venue for young entrepreneurial designers with small businesses, was that so that there will be two things exhibited alongside another instead of just one, so it would suite both commercial as well as aesthetic purposes. The idea behind “The Furniture Show” is to use City Stars, as Egypt’s most attractive commercial venue, to serve both Egyptian furniture exporters as well as local producers so that we can promote Egyptian products in the market, rather than leaving the
common furniture shopper in Egypt to buy imported furniture. Egypt currently faces the problem of imported products from abroad flooding retail outlets, cutting local Egyptian producers
off from scoring profits in the local market. If you go to any supermarket here in Egypt, you’ll find that many of the products from Turkey and many products anywhere else in Egypt are from China. Hence, “The Furniture Show” serves to promote Egyptian furniture products to an Egyptian market. In addition, I would to thank City Stars for offering us the whole floor for free as this is a great favor they did to promote the Egyptian furniture sector to the local market.
What’s the story behind “The Furniture Show” and why
has this fair taken place rather than Furnex?
It began when we were forced to call off Furnex last October. We always used to have Furnex and we had to conduct an extensive global marketing campaign and there used to be a lot of international participation in the fair. The last time we did Furnex was November 2012 and after that we were not able to organize it. There was an opportunity that we could do it last February but due to much ambiguity about Egypt’s political and economic plans, in addition to issues with the government we had to cancel it. Furnex is part of government-led initiative which aims to fund local fairs to promote Egyptian exports. The Egyptian state provides financial support to organize fairs, and we can only organize Furnex with the funds from the state. Every year they decide which fairs will be provided with funding and we were cornered to the end of October to receive their decision. Eventually we were forced to call off Furnex because we were not given a clear government confirmation as to whether Furnex will be approved for funding or not.
What did you do to convince local exhibitors to participate in “The Furniture Show”?
To convince local exhibitors to participate in the fair, we told them that our estimates indicate that if we use the momentum of City Stars, being the Egypt’s main commercial center, to promote their furniture products so that the return will be just as if they had exported. We also invited all companies in the Egyptian furniture market, both exporters and local producers, to exhibit their products, aiming that around 60% of the furniture displayed would be modern/contemporary. We also started an extensive marketing campaign inside Egypt to attract shoppers at City Stars to come and buy.
From an exhibitor’s point of view, they would spend 30% less exhibiting at “The Furniture Show” then at a 4-day fair in Egypt and they would have the venue for over a month. So in terms of time and money, this is a significant advantage.
المجلس التصديري للاثاث : 30 شركة مصرية تعرض منتجاتها في سيتي ستارز-جريدة البوابة نيوز-
كشف المهندس ايهاب درياس رئيس المجلس التصديري للاثاث عن تبني رجل الاعمال عبد الرحمن الشربتلي رئيس مجموعة سيتي ستارز زادارة المول على استضافة 30 شركة مصرية لقطاع الاثاث و لعرض منتجاتها للجمهور لمدة 45 يوما اعتبارا من 6 مارس الجاري على اجنحة تتراوح مابين 100 و 200 لكل شركة ليعتبر اول معرض مصري يقام خلال هذه المدى الكبيرة .
وأضاف درياس في حوار خاص لليوم السابع أن المعرض يعتبر دعما من رجال الاعمال العرب للصناعة المصرية ولخدمة المواطن المصري في تقديم منتجات ذات جودة متميزة وباسعار ستعرض بأقل من الاسواق . لافتا الى ان المجلس التصديري للاثاث حث جميع الشركات المصرية العارضة على تخفيض جزء من أسعارها والتي من المتوقع أن تصل الى 30% كما أنه على الجانب الاخر سيتم عرض الاثاث المصري من المصنع الى المستهلك مباشرة مما يتيح له القدرة التسويقية دون وجود وسطاء م العملية التجارية مما يقلل من السعر النهائي.
رئيس المجلس التصديري للاثاث لليوم السابع
رئيس المجلس التصديري للاثاث ل " اليوم السابع " : 30 شركة تشارك بمعرض الاثاث المصري غدا بتخفيضات 30% بدعم من رجال أعمل عرب .. ويؤكد صناعة الاثاث انهارت بعد غزو المنتجات التركية وبرامج المساندة على الورق
كشف المهندس ايهاب درياس رئيس المجلس التصديري للاثاث عن تبني رجل الاعمال عبد الرحمن الشربتلي رئيس مجموعة سيتي ستارز زادارة المول على استضافة 30 شرة مصرية لقطاع الاثاثو لعرض منتجاتها للجمهور لمدة 45 يوما اعتبارا من 6 مارس الجاري على اجنحة تتراوح مابين 100 و 200 لكل شركة ليعتبر اول معرض مصري يقام خلال هذه المدى الكبيرة .
وأضاف درياس في حوار خاص لليوم السابع أن المعرض يعتبر دعما من رجال الاعمال العرب للصناعة المصرية ولخدمة المواطن المصري في تقديم منتجات ذات جودة متميزة وباسعار ستعرض بأقل من الاسواق . لافتا الى ان المجلس التصديري للاثاث حث جميع الشركات المصرية العارضة على تخفيض جزء من أسعارها والتي من المتوقع أن تصل الى 30% كما أنه على الجانب الاخر سيتم عرض الاثاث المصري من المصنع الى المستهلك مباشرة مما يتيح له القدرة التسويقية دون وجود وسطاء م العملية التجارية مما يقلل من السعر النهائي.
شركة تعرض منتاجاتها بقيمة رمزية بسيتي ستارز - جريدة الوفد
أعلن المهندس أيهاب درياس رئيس المجلس التصديري للاثاث عن الاتفاق مع ادارة المركز التجاري"سيتي ستارز" التابع لاحد اكبر رجال الاعمال العرب على تخصيص دور كامل بالمركز لاستضافة أكبر تجمع لنتجات الاثاث المصرية حيث ستعرض نحو 30 شركة منتاجاتها خلال الفترة من 6 مارس الى 19 ابريل وذلك بالتعاون والتنسيق مع غرفة صناعة الاخشاب والاثاث بجانب شركات .من قطاعي الصناعات الهندسية والمفروشات المنزلية
وقال في بيان له " أن ادارة سيتي ستارز ستقدم أرض العرض بقيمة رمزية للشركات المصرية دعما للصناعة والنتجين المصريين واساقا مع المبادارات العربية المتعددة لدعم الاقتصاد المصري لتجاوز الظروف التي يمر بها حيث يمثل هذا الحدث أكبر تجمع لصناع مصريين تحت سقف واحد ومدة طويلة تصل الى ستة اسابيع متصلة بما يسهم في جذب الزوار المحليين ومن الخارج للتسوق وعقد المزيد من الصفقات التصديرية مع مصر "
EFEC In The Press
The furniture market is waking up much like the sleeping giant it is. After a long hiatusof instability, the new respite of security on the Egyptian scene has created a push to invest in marketing the country’s furniture sector. Demonstrating its full market potential more than ever, the Egyptian Furniture Export Council organized “The Furniture Show”, a furniture and home solutions fair which started on the 6 of last March and will run through the 19 of April. Egyptian exporters, local producers, and even young designers came to participate!
Building on an interesting new funky local theme, Razzmatazz Interiors also expressed a sense of optimism with this recent kick off, showing a range of locally made items from their own workshops,using elements of color and Oriental patterns to express an nethnic dialogue to the theme of any interior design. Other exhibitors included Turn Key, Mohm Office Furniture, Waw
Designs, Inspiration Interiors, Edu Fun, Amr Helmy’s DESIGNY, Bella Casa Furniture, WOODPECKER,and APEX, among many others.Apart from big companies,young designers also got a chance to be part of the showbefore the curtains came down.Thanks to the efforts of the EFEC collaboration with Chamber of Woodwork & Furniture Industry (CWWFI) and Rhimal Design,The Furniture Show’s Design Hub was a hit! Showcasing the best works of Egypt’s young designers involved in the Design + Industry Competition, focusing chiefly in product/industrial design and lighting design, this event puts together the youthful, creative
energy that these professionals. Sponsors included Al Cazar Fine Woods, Shoulah Classics,
Ultra Design, Meuble El Chark,Homewood Furniture Co, C-Reality,Emileo Interiors, and H.E. Aseel Egypt among others. Some of themajor exhibitors included REFORM,a winner of a design award in Milan,and Meem Studio with some itsfinest creative designs. Speaking on behalf of the whole council, the EFEC Chairman Ihab Derias praised City Stars for offering the entire eighth floor as a venue free of charge for The Furniture Show to take for more than a month, in an act
that many in the furniture and design sector are sure to remember.
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ASK-April2011 The Egyptian furniture industry has had to pay a heavy toll for the recent political developments in Egypt with estimates of losses beyond 50%, according to Egyptian Furniture Export Council Chairm
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A Great Year of Exposure for Egyptian Furniture
A Great Year of Exposure for Egyptian Furniture
The Egyptian Furniture industry made great strides during 2010 through its representations in local and international exhibitions......
"Edu Fun“ ist der einzige ägyptische Aussteller
"Edu Fun“ ist der einzige ägyptische Aussteller
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